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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Brett Baldino's Madison Space for 4/7

The space I chose to take a picture of was the quad. Located in the heart of JMU's original campus it quite easy to find. If the weather is nice it should be even easier to find as almost anyone who has a class on this side of campus will stop in between classes or reside there for the rest of the day if they have already finished class. With a ton of space and amazing landscaping its really no wonder that everyone uses this space to nap, tan, play football, throw frisbess or just hangout. The designers of this space must have known that students would use it for such a purpose as its location and alotment of space are quite conducive to these activities. I do not believe that the quad could be improved because I am a firm believer in "if it isn't broken don't fix it". The quad will definitely be one of the major physical memories I have from JMU as it is one thing that has not and will never change, and I do not think I will ever forget the atmosphere I have experienced on the quad. I think Greenberg is certainly correct in respect to James Madison as its architecture and landscapes are all coordinated and exemplify the pride our school has in itself and the level of effort it puts forth to maintain that appearance.


  1. The spend a lot of time on this particular side of campus. I walk through the quad area several times a day and now that the weather has warmed up I always see something or someone that catches my eye. Whether its girls in bathing suites or a frisbe flying past me I look forward walking through the quad after classes. I agree that the quad is fine just as it is. What could be done to improve it?-Garet Dunivin

  2. i agree with the photographer of this picture in that this space on campus is the first choice for students to come to on a sunny day at JMU. Besides the usual tanning, frisbee and socializing, it is also used as the perfect spot for a snowball fight during a blizzard! i use this space just the way everyone else does, as a place to take a breather in between classes or to tan with friends on a nice sunny day. The image that has been captured here brings back great memories from my time here so far at JMU. i've spent countless days there with my sorority sisters and my roommates, just relaxing and enjoying the sunshine.
    -Katie Finesmith

  3. I really liked this picture of the Quad that you took, which is located in the heart of the JMU's original campus. I liked the perspective in which you took your picture. This use of space shows that JMU is really like a social school. in the Quad, people can study, relax with friends, talk. However, they are connected by this space and can easily be around other people. you wrote that the weather is nice and people can stop by in class. Also, I liked how you took a picture of the pathway. I think that it shows how important it is for someone to walk to the quad and that this place is easily approachable. The Quad will also be one of the closest memories that I have of JMU.

    ----Kristen Hoang



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