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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lawrence Petrakakos Dr. H 4/7

This is a picture of the stairs leading up to White Hall, located in the Village. White Hall is one of two sophmore dorms on campus and the only one with mutiple flights of stairs to reach. While the purpose of White Hall is to room students in their second year, the stairwell plays a different role in how White Hall is meant to be percieved. With the trees in bloom and the grass green blanketed in the shade it is obvious the desginers wanted to make this stand out to the JMU student. It is as if White Hall is a castle to the upper class students who at the same time live in the Village with the freshmen but sit on top of it looking down on all the other buildings. The stairwell is the gateway to the building such as any great castle as its own gateway to show its importance. While many people will probably never find their way to White Hall for me it is the place I will be living next year and when I walk up those stairs with the pink flowers falling on me, it will forever shape my image of this school and reinforce to importance of me being here is everyday.


  1. Katie McLaughlin
    dr. h

    The pink trees definitely symbolize beauty and they are gorgeous all around campus. However, they are not unique to White Hall, and they make everything look pretty, not only dormitories. In some sense it may seem like White Hall or the second year students are looking down at the freshman, but White Hall is all the way at the top of the village. I think most students would complain about hiking up the hill everyday to get to their dorm. I think if White Hall was in the center of the village and was surrounded by more than two pink trees people would be envious of the dorm and want to live in what seems to be a castle.

  2. I think this picture is interesting because I live in White Hall and I’ve never thought of the entrance like that. I can see what you’re saying with the trees acting as an archway. For the most part when I get to the stairs I just concentrate on how annoying it is to have to walk up a million stairs to get back to my room. I’ll definitely have to take my time next time to really look at White Hall again; I think it will change my perspective about the building or at least the stairs.

    Smantha Wood

  3. This picture is really interesting to me not only because of the way White Hall is portrayed as somewhat of a "city upon a hill" in comparison to the other dormatories, but also because of the many walking paths that all intersect in the center of this photograph. When I think of JMU I think of a welcoming environment that leads to great opportunities while also being extremely accomodating. To me, all of these walking paths represent the accomodations JMU has made to ensure that their students can get from point A to point B in the easiest, safest manner possible so that they do not have to walk through the grass or other difficult areas. It also is a symbol for choosing your path in life and the opportunities that JMU opens up for all of us. When I look at this picture I see a happy, open environment that is extremely welcoming, which is a main reason why I think so many students love attending this university.

    Nikki Peros
    Dr. Mulrooney

  4. I look at this picture and the first thing I see are the beautifully colored trees. I think that says a lot about our campus. Placing appealing trees such as these all around cheers up the entire campus so much. Having aesthetic qualities to a campus is important. No one wants to walk around with rocks and dirt surrounding the pathways. These trees could be a factor as to why there are so many friendly and welcoming students and a positive environment that has been developed here at JMU.

    Megan Oliver, GAMST 200: Dr. Mulrooney



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