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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Clayton Weast's Madison Space- Sketchy Factory

I took a picture of the factory because I see it a lot and it always seems sort of out of place and sticks out. It is located down the hill from ISAT and on the same road as UREC. I dont think that anyone at JMU takes classes here or even sets foot in this place so the reason that it has to be located where it is I do not know but there is probably a good reason for it. The campus designers probably didnt intend this space to be used by students so people who live in Harrisonburg probably work there and I have noticed trash trucks going inside so I assume that it is a trash disposal plant. There is definitely room for improvement as far as aesthetics are concerned because it is quite an eye sore to anyone visiting the campus for the first time. I think this space could also be used for something that students could access and move the factory elsewhere. It looks to me that whenever I pass by it there is a lot of smoke coming from the pipes so it may be harmful to the environment because of polutants so to improve the air around campus they might consider relocating it. This space will certainly stick with me when I think of JMU because of how out of place it is and how much it takes away from the nice view from the Festival windows. Greenburg is right in the fact that it seems like some campuses don't consider the appeal of something before they construct it in a nice area.

1 comment:

  1. This building has always struck me as odd when i pass by it as well. It definitely isn't appealing to look at, and its use is somewhat of a mystery. It never smells very good though, so i think the trash idea is correct. I would have put something here that would have been more beneficial to students, and made the campus seem appealing. It was a strange choice to put this here instead another class building.
    -Daniel McCray



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