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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Josh Thoemke's Madison Space

This is a picture I took last year of the fountain outside of the old entrance to carrier library. I have always been fascinated by it and just watching the way that the water comes from the spout. I spent a ton of time waiting to try and snap a shot where the water made an image that represented JMU but this is all I got. The fountain has been used in many ways but I like to use it for just one, on a hot summer day on the quad of James Madison University this fountain provides some much needed reprieve from the heat. As you sit by its side or even just walking past it the breeze from the blue ridge mountains sprays a sprinkle of refreshing water all around. I think the campus designers put this fountain where it is because it draws attention to the courtyard where people are supposed to congregate. Think of it as like a bonfire. A bunch of friends sitting in the woods with cheerwine and cigars is a little weird but throw a fire into the mix and its perfectly normal. It provides a sort of meeting spot for students on the warm days at JMU. I don't think that they could have done a better job with the fountain. It is both aesthetically pleasing as well as practical. Also it runs on a recycling water pump from the water pooling at the bottom so its environmentally friendly, well that is until someone pours food coloring or soap into it. I think that this place has shaped my memory of my time here but not because of the fountain itself but of the good times that I have had there with friends. All in all its one of my favorite places on campus!

1 comment:

  1. I'm actually completely shocked no one has commented on this picture yet! I love how you can practically see the texture of the water and combined with the coloring of the background it really is a beautiful shot. I’ve never really stopped to take a look at the fountain and how it impacts me personally, just that I’ve noticed it as being aesthetically appealing, but I really liked the point you made about it being like a bonfire, or a general communal space for friends to meet.

    - Erica Powers



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